How to get AdSense approval for Blogger or WordPress #1

How to get AdSense approval for Blogger
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How to get Adsense approval for Blogger:-Blogging is a career people nowadays want to pursue as a blogger and there are a lot of people who want to be a blogger. The question is why people want to be a blogger. It’s simple people get paid by Google and they make more money than any other job will get the money.

Even one has their own dream and they are getting better nowadays because of new technologies, they get things so easily and information is straightforward to access for everyone. so Blogging was not famous few years a ago and nobody used to believe even people could earn working online. make money from the internet.  Now you can see everything is possible.

So people have recognized this blogging term about blogging and now they know how things work. you can see as a blogger what you have to do first. you have to buy your domain then you have to buy hosting then you have to design the website whatever your interest is for making that website. And then you can write blogs and articles for the people who can come to your website and grab the information you have provided to them as per their requirements on several topics.

How to get AdSense approval for Blogger
How to get AdSense approval for Blogger or WordPress

Suppose a new channel is publishing news on a daily basis and people go read news online nowadays so the same way people read blogs on certain topics people are interested to have the information about. So this I how it works if I say it in simple words.

Now let me tell you my story about How to get AdSense approval for Blogger or WordPress

If you want to be a blogger as I have written above 3 to 4 things are important, Domain, hosting, and writing informative content on your website so that people will come and read your articles.

so let me tell you about myself and what I did. As you know chat GPT comes and it is really a nice tool You can use it for several reasons and for solutions. 

One day I was watching YouTube when I saw a video where they were teaching how you can use chat GPT to write content on your website. so I started to even though I was jobless and wasn’t doing anything I tried to chat GPT and wrote some content too but it’s always recommended to write your content on your own.

Ajeetwriting logos

How to get AdSense approval for Blogger or WordPress

Just a Logo of my website

Chat GPT is not good for a very long-term game but you can take help from it to write content and get an idea of the content you want to add to your website. I did the same I worked 24×7 for like one and a half months and I published 60 to 70 blogs but my bloggers weren’t ranking on Google. so I got depressed and then I left it for a week. Then suddenly one day I opened my laptop. I was checking my website when I saw my website is getting ads. so I checked my AdSense account to see if it was real or not but yeah it was as real as the sun.

So yeah I was surprised that time obviously I had applied for Adsense approval. I was sharing my blogs on every plate form just to get a view. so I worked really hard and I get it. 

Also, please remember that my website content is written only some of them are from chat GPT so please maintain human-written content on your website otherwise our website will suddenly down, and your blogs and articles will not rank on Google because Google doesn’t allow that kind of content.

How many articles do you How to get AdSense approval for Blogger or WordPress?

Let me give you a very simple answer it does not matter as far as your content is clean and attractive which can grab the audience you will get approval on the website. But mainly it’s ideal to have at least 25 articles on your website.
You can even get approval after 5 articles but it must be a good article and you have be getting some good traffic on your website so that they will verify your website that yeah you’re getting views and traffic on your website so that they can advertise.

How many words you should have in one article?

Well in one article you should always have at least 800 to 1000 words. It is higher chances that Long content articles have higher chances to rank on Google.
if you have more questions please add your quest in the comment box and I will answer all of them.

I hope this article is informative. I also want to give advice don’t give up just have some patience you will get successful just keep working success always take time.


Thank you. 

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